Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A True Calling

It's at crossroads that we often have to take a moment and reevaluate our destiny sometimes. A crossroads can often come at the end of one season and gives you an ultimatum that propels you to the next season. And as I feel as if that has come to me, I have taken a step back to reevaluate what I truly want in life. Now, what I want doesn't always line up with what God's path for me is. And it is ultimately up to us to completely surrender our futures to him. But in a moment of contemplation, I asked myself if I would truly be satisfied and happy if my whole life consisted of a career in writing Christian fiction. I cringed slightly. I have always had many dreams and likings, but it wasn't until now that I really came to terms with the fact that I may be on a slightly crooked path. It was then that the Lord revealed to me something profound.

As Christians, we often and rightly so think in terms of what God's calling is on each of our lives. What is God's path for you? What job would he have you to take? What job is your calling? What career is God's will for your life? What talent does God want to use to bless the earth? And while these are all perfectly good questions and should be asked no less, there lies a deeper understanding to be found out. If you are a pastor, your calling is not to be a pastor. If you are a singer, your calling is not to be a singer. If you are a writer, God's calling is not for you to be a writer. And while I know you are shocked, hear me out.

Each individual has a purpose and a passion placed deep inside their hearts that God placed there before the foundations of the earth were even formed. He predestined a certain desire in each person's heart that when it is mentioned, they are filled with joy and satisfaction and in it they find meaning in their life. This thing is not on the outside in the form of a job, career, or ministry. It is on the inside and is fashioned as something only that person will feel and know. For example, a young girl may as she grows up have a tender heart towards the hurting and broken. When she sees a starving animal or a homeless person, she is saddened. Her heart softens and she is broken at the mere sight. In this heart-felt feeling can be found that girl's calling. Her calling can be found in the fact that she cares for the broken. In that is found her destiny. As she grows into adulthood, she may have an attraction to nursing. She may pursue this field. And in it she finds satisfaction because she is fulfilling the desire to restore the broken to wholeness. But nursing is not her calling. Healing the broken is her calling. Nursing is only the avenue by which God chose to lead her in order to fulfill her purpose. Another girl may feel the same way as she grows up. Tears well in her eyes every time she sees the less fortunate on the streets. Yet as she becomes an adult, she is moved to start a center in the inner city to help the less fortunate. Two girls. Similar callings. Completely different avenues by which God chose to bring out that calling into the earth to bless his children.

And in this have I been contemplating. What is truly my calling? I usually respond with a quick, "To be a writer of course." Now, I will always be a writer. It's in my DNA. But what is truly my calling? What is it that burns in my heart that I wish I could change for the better in the earth? Not what career or talent do I feel most compelled to pursue. But...What is it in my heart that God wants to use to help his children on the earth? Once I answer these questions, then it is up to me to listen to God's leading as he helps me to discover what career, talent, or job is the avenue by which that purpose is to be brought to fruition in the earth. As of recently, I have assumed writing to be the avenue by which I can accomplish the purpose God has put on the inside of me. But is it? And it is a daily discovery to truly follow the Holy Spirit's leading instead of just assuming.

Throughout life the avenue or conduit may change. But the purpose God has placed on your life never changes. If you feel compelled to preserve history, one day you may have a job at a museum. Then within five years you could be a historical adviser on a movie set. Your jobs may have changed, but if you have truly discovered what God's purpose is on your life, then that purpose will never change. Your life calling is not to work at a museum. Nor is your life calling to be a historical adviser. But your life calling is to preserve history, for this example. Once you find your true purpose and surrender your life to God, things may just become a bit clearer along the way. Life shouldn't be a smorgasbord of activities to keep you busy until you retire or go to heaven. It should be a fulfilling journey of accomplishing that one purpose no matter what job or jobs you have or where you go in life. God has placed something unique in every person. Don't defraud yourself the chance at discovering it. And allow God to show just how on earth he would have you to fulfill that passion inside your heart. And believe me....It's worth it all.