It happened before I really knew what had happened. My day was forever changed. It took only fifteen seconds but lasts a lifetime every time I relive that horror. What was once the unthinkable is now the unchangeable. It's like they say. You never think it could happen to you. But then it does happen to you. And you are left feeling as if you'll never be the same person again...ever.
Saturday started like any other normal Saturday for me. Dad's home. Perhaps a special breakfast beyond the usual run of the mill routine. Nice day. Sunshine. Probably a race to look forward to while I continue to think about the great stories I write every chance I get. Most importantly the day had begun with devotions and time in God's Word. Then it happened.
I sat at the same desk I sit at every day when I write and endeavor creatively to answer a message or do some writing-related thing. I pecked away at the keyboard with nothing but the words flowing onto the screen for whatever I was doing. Then I felt it. Somehow a menacing little twisty-tie had managed to get on the floor. It was the darndest thing! As I rubbed the little object between my toes, I continued to write, absentmindedly unaware of the horrendous encounter I was having until fifteen seconds had passed. Feeling a tingle between my toes, I gently scooted my chair back to see a nice-sized centipede honing in on my lower phalanges. You can just imagine what happened next. With a shriek that could have curdled the blood of an African mountain lion, I slid my chair back with a furry, getting of a pretty good, hard kick or two (thanks to my ever-expanding karate skills) to rid my bare feet of that despicable creature. It took me a good thirty minutes to recover from that ordeal. And to be honest, I still can't believe I lived through that.
So why am I telling you all this? Well, first of all mostly to share that I'm vulnerable too. Second of all, life experiences like these make an excellent funny addition of a scene to your Walker Texas Ranger fan fiction story you're writing at the time. But most importantly, never let your room get cluttered. But seriously... Sometimes there are things in life that don't seem like a big deal to you. There are things overall in our world that are given no regard. In fact, it may convince you that it's nothing to be worried about. That is, until the sting of it causes you to finally look at it in the face while it scares the heck out of you. And hopefully it won't be too late to make a difference in your world, and turn that thing around in your world for good. Don't assume everything's alright all the time. There's things that need to be changed in our world. Life's a battle. So don't let the enemy flank you. Flank him for once. Get off the couch and do something. It may seem insignificant to you. But in the long run, it may just be that little spark needed to cause the world to change for the better before the world changes you into nothing.
Hahahahaha. LOL