Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Change of Heart

(an elongated sigh)

Why? Why has this happened to me? The heart and soul is so intricate! My, how quick God can work on the heart when you're not looking!

To explain, if you know anything about me, you know I have up to now been absorbed and totally taken over by historic periods. So much so that perhaps part of me has loathed the idea of modern life and wished I could return to yesteryear and forget 2015 exists. I've had a distinctive change of heart. Not drastic. But distinctive. I'm so glad I live in 2015. It's slightly hard to explain. But in general, I think God's got big things in store for me. And changing my likes and point of view is preparing me to step into his call on my life.

In my writing, I swore a few years ago to only write historically-set stories. Yet my current work-in-progress is modern-set and is on my heart so very strong. I felt like a hypocrite at first. Like I was being someone whom I was not. After all, God has called me in part to preserve history. Why in the heck am I writing a modern day story?!? Then it hit me, "Why wouldn't I?" Perhaps my goal can be accomplished both ways. Perhaps it must be accomplished both ways.

In life in general, I could not be more grateful that I was born in the 20th century. (I know...You are probably thinking, "Duh.") As hard as it is for me to admit this, I must. For it is only when I admit my contentedness and gratefulness that God can launch me into the awesomeness that is his call on my life.

History and time gone by is still important to me. This will never change. But perhaps I must accept modern life to embrace the future ahead. Slowly but surely, I am finding who I am in Christ. It is not average or ordinary. But my life story will be written and set in the 21st century. I should embrace this and not fight it. After all, wouldn't it be a bit weird if a character in a story was constantly acting as if they were in 21st century USA when the story is set in Regency England??

When I was born, figuratively God picked up the pen and set it upon an empty book filled with fresh, blank pages. At the top he wrote my name and date of birth and set forth penning my journey of life. And although the road ahead is yet to be seen, one thing I am certain of....The setting has and will always be in the 21st century. I must submit my ways and embrace the life before me. It is incredible. Why should I ever deny myself the joys that the Lord has set before me? I can't, and I won't. For the future is very bright! I shall hold to the values of the past while embracing the future before me.

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